Journal Publications
- F. Zhang and F. Xia, “Polarization detection in miniature”, Nature Electronics 7, 948-949 (2024). (News & Views) -(URL)
- M. Cai and F. Xia, “An all-silicon solution”, Nature Photonics 18, 890-891 (2024). (News & Views) -(URL)
- R. Darweesh, R. K. Yadav, E. Adler, M. Poplinger, A. Levi, J. Lee, A. Leshem, A. Ramasubramaniam, F. Xia, and D. Naveh, “Nonlinear self-calibrated spectrometer with single GeSe-InSe heterojunction device”, Science Advances 10, eadn6028 (2024). -(URL)
- M. Fortin-Deschênes, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and F. Xia, “Van der Waals epitaxy of tunable moirés enabled by alloying”, Nature Materials 23, 339-346 (2024). -(URL)
- B. Deng and F. Xia, “Large-angle twist effect”, Nature Photonics 17, 1021–1022 (2023). (News & Views) -(URL)
- M. Fortin-Deschênes and F. Xia, “Synthesis of black phosphorus films”, Nature Materials 22, 681–682 (2023). (News & Views) -(URL)
- Du Chen, Matthieu Fortin-Deschênes, Yuchen Lou, Huiju Lee, Joy Xu, Abrar A. Sheikh, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Yi Xia, Fengnian Xia, and Peijun Guo, “Direct spectroscopic observation of cross-plane heat transfer in a two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructure”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127(19), 9121–9128 (2023). -(URL)
- S. Yuan, C. Ma, E. Fetaya, T. Mueller, D. Naveh, F. Zhang, F. Xia, “Geometric deep optical sensing”, Science 379, eade1220 (2023). -(URL)
S. Li, X. Li, C. A. Kocoj, X. Ji, S. Yuan, E. C. Macropulos, C. C. Stoumpos, F. Xia, L. Mao, M. G. Kanatzidis, and P. Guo, “Ultrafast excitonic response in two-dimensional hybrid perovskites driven by intense mid-infrared pulses”, Physical Review Letters 129, 177401 (2022). -(URL)
M. Fortin-Deschênes, R. Pu, Y.-F. Zhou, C. Ma, P. Cheung, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Zhang, X. Du, and F. Xia, “Uncovering Topological Edge States in Twisted Bilayer Graphene”, Nano Letters 22, 6186-6193 (2022). -(URL)
M. Fortin-Deschênes and F. Xia, “A tale of two dimensionalities,” Nature Materials 21, 735–736 (2022). (News & Views) -(URL)
C. Ma, S. Yuan, P. Cheung, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Zhang, and F. Xia, “Intelligent infrared sensing enabled by tunable moiré quantum geometry,” Nature 604, 266-272 (2022). -(URL)
C. Chen, C. Li, S. Min, Q. Guo, Z. Xia, D. Liu, Z. Ma, F. Xia “Ultrafast Silicon Nanomembrane Microbolometer for LongWavelength Infrared Light Detection,” Nano Letters 21, 8385-8392 (2021). -(URL)
S. Yuan, D. Naveh, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Xia “A Wavelength-scale Black Phosphorus Spectrometer,” Nature Photonics 15, 601-607 (2021). -(URL)
- C. Chen, X. Chen, B. Deng, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S. Huang, F. Xia “Probing Interlayer Interaction via Chiral Phonons in Layered Honeycomb Materials,” Physical Review B 103, 035405 (2021). -(URL)
- S. Barraza-Lopez, F. Xia, W. Zhu, H. Wang “Beyond Graphene: Low-Symmetry and Anisotropic 2D Materials,” Journal of Applied Physics 128, 140401 (2020). (Editorial)- (URL)
- B. Deng, C. Ma, Q. Wang, S. Yuan, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Zhang, F. Xia “Strong Mid-infrared Photoresponse in Small-twist-angle Bilayer Graphene,” Nature Photonics 128, 140401 (2020).- (URL)
- J. Liu, F. Xia, D. Xiao, F. J. García de Abajo, D. Sun “Semimetals for High-performance Photodetection,” Nature Materials 19, 830–837 (2020).- (URL)
- C. Ma, Q. Wang, S. Mills, X. Chen, B. Deng, S. Yuan, C. Li, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, X. Du, F. Zhang, F. Xia “Moiré Band Topology in Twisted Bilayer Graphene,” Nano letters 20, 6076–6083 (2020).- (URL)
- Z. Dai, G. Hu, Q. Ou, L. Zhang, F. Xia, F. J Garcia-Vidal, C. Qiu, Q. Bao “Artificial Metaphotonics Born Naturally in Two Dimensions,” Chemical Reviews 120, 6197–6246 (2020).- (URL)
- S. Yuan, R. Yu, C. Ma, B. Deng, Q. Guo, X. Chen, C. Li, C. Chen, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. J. García de Abajo, and F. Xia “Room Temperature Graphene Mid-Infrared Bolometer with a Broad Operational Wavelength Range,” ACS Photonics 7, 1206–1215 (2020).- (URL)
- C. Chen, X. Lu, B. Deng, X. Chen, Q. Guo, C. Li, C. Ma, S. Yuan, E. Sung, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L. Yang, and F. Xia “Widely Tunable Mid-Infrared Light Emission in Thin-film Black Phosphorus,” Science Advances 6, eaay6134 (2020).- (URL)
- C. Li, K. Xiong, L. Li, Q. Guo, X. Chen, A. Madjar, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. C. M. Hwang, and F. Xia “Black Phosphorus High-Frequency Transistors with Local Contact Bias,” ACS Nano 14, 2118-2125 (2020).- (URL)
- A. Levi, M. Kirshner, O. Sinai, E. Peretz, O. Meshulam, A. Ghosh, N. Gotlib, C. Stern, S. Yuan, F. Xia, and D. Naveh “Graphene Schottky Varactor Diodes for High-Performance Photodetection,” ACS Photonics 6, 1910-1915 (2019).-(URL)
- X. Chen, Z. Zhou, B. Deng, Z. Wu, F. Xia, Y. Cao, L. Zhang, W. Huang, N. Wang, and L. Wang “Electrically Tunable Physical Properties of Two-Dimensional Materials,” Nano Today 27, 99-119 (2019).- (URL)
- Z. M. Abd El-Fattah, V. Mkhitaryan, J. Brede, L. Fernández, C. Li, Q. Guo, A. Ghosh, A. R. Echarri, D. Naveh, F. Xia, J. E. Ortega, and F. J. García de Abajo “Plasmonics in Atomically Thin Crystalline Silver Films,” ACS Nano 13, 7771-7779 (2019).- (URL)
- F. Xia, H. Wang, J. C. M. Hwang, A. H. Castro Neto, and L. Yang “Black Phosphorus And Its Isoelectronic Materials,” Nature Reviews Physics 1, 306-317 (2019).- (URL)
- C. Chen, F. Chen, X. Chen, B. Deng, B. Eng, D. Jung, Q. Guo, S. Yuan, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. L. Lee, and F. Xia “Bright Mid-Infrared Photoluminescence from Thin-Film Black Phosphorus,” Nano Letters 19, 1488-1493 (2019).- (URL)
- C. Chen, X. Chen, H. Yu, Y. Shao, Q. Guo, B. Deng, S. Lee, C. Ma, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J.-G. Park, S. Huang, W. Yao, and F. Xia “Symmetry-Controlled Electron-Phonon Interactions in van der Waals Heterostructures,” ACS Nano 13, 552-559 (2018).- (URL)
- Q. Guo, R. Yu, C. Li, S. Yuan, B. Deng, F. J. García de Abajo, and F. Xia “Efficient Electrical Detection of Mid-infrared Graphene Plasmons at Room Temperature,” Nature Materials 17, 986-992 (2018).- (URL)
- C. Chen, X. Chen, Y. Shao, B. Deng, Q. Guo, C. Ma, and F. Xia “Valley-Selective Linear Dichroism in Layered Tin Sulfide,” ACS Photonics 5, 3814-3819 (2018).- (URL)
- R. Yu, Q. Guo, F. Xia, and F. J. García de Abajo “Photothermal Engineering of Graphene Plasmons,” Physical Review Letters 121, 057404 (2018).- (URL)
- B. Deng, R. Frisenda, C. Li, X. Chen, A. Castellanos-Gomez, and F. Xia “Progress on Black Phosphorus Photonics,” Advanced Optical Material 1800365 (2018).- (URL)
- X. Chen, C. Chen, A. Levi, L. Houben, B. Deng, S. Yuan, C. Ma, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, D. Naveh, X. Du, and F. Xia “Large-velocity saturation in thin-film black phosphorus transistors,” ACS Nano 12, 5003-5010 (2018).- (URL)
- Y. Zhou, J. L. Silva, J. M. Woods, J. V. Pondick, Q. Feng, Z. Liang, W. Liu, L. Lin, B. Deng, B. Brena, F. Xia, H. Peng, Z. Liu, H. Wang, C. M. Araujo, J. Cha, “Revealing the contribution of individual factors to hydrogen evolution reaction catalytic activity,” Advanced Materials 30, 1706076 (2018).- (URL)
- S. Yuan, C. Shen, B. Deng, X. Chen, Q. Guo, Y. Ma, A. Abbas, B. Liu, R. Haiges, C. Ott, T. Nilges, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, O. Sinai, D. Naveh, C. Zhou, and F. Xia, “Air-stable room-temperature mid-infrared photodetectors based on hBN/black arsenic phosphorus/hBN heterostructures,” Nano Letters 5, 3172-3179 (2018).- (URL)
- C. Li, Y. Wu, B. Deng, Y. Xie, Q. Guo, S. Yuan, X. Chen, M. Bhuiyan, Z. Wu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, H. Wang, J. Cha, M. Snure, Y. Fei, and F. Xia, “Synthesis of crystalline black phosphorus thin film on sapphire,” Advanced Materials 30, 1703748 (2018).- (URL)
- Y. Shao, Y. Liu, X. Chen, C. Chen, I. Sarpkaya, Z. Chen, Y. Fang, J. Kong, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. D. Taylor, J. Huang, and F. Xia, “Stable graphene-two dimensional multiphase perovskite heterostructure phototransistors with high gain,” Nano Letters 17, 7330-7338 (2017). - (URL)
- X. Chen, X. Lu, B. Deng, O. Sinai, Y. Shao, C. Li, S. Yuan, V. Tran, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, D. Naveh, L. Yang, and F. Xia, “Widely tunable black phosphorus mid-infrared photodetector,” Nature Communications 8, 1672 (2017). - (URL)
- Q. Guo, C. Li, B. Deng, S. Yuan, F. Guinea, and F. Xia, “Infrared Nanophotonics Based on Graphene Plasmonics,” ACS Photonics 4, 2989-2999 (2017). -(URL)
- Z. Xia, H. Song, M. Kim, M. Zhou, T.-H. Chang, D. Liu, X. Yin, K. Xiong, H. Mi, X. Wang, F. Xia, Z. Yu, Z. Ma, and Q. Gan, “Single-crystalline Germanium Nanomembrane Photodetectors on Foreign Nanocavities,” Science Advances 3, e1602783 (2017). - (URL)
- Q. Guo, F. Guinea, B. Deng, I. Sarpkaya, C. Li, C. Chen, X. Ling, J. Kong and F. Xia, “Electrothermal Control of Graphene Plasmon–Phonon Polaritons,” Advanced Materials 29, 1700566 (2017). - (URL)
- B. Deng, V. Tran, Y. Xie, H. Jiang, C. Li, Q. Guo, X. Wang, H. Tian, S. J. Koester, H. Wang, J. J. Cha, Q. Xia, L. Yang and F. Xia, “Efficient electrical control of thin-film black phosphorus bandgap,” Nature Communications 8, 14474 (2017). - (URL)
- V. Artel, Q. Guo, H. Cohen, R. Gasper, A. Ramasubramaniam, F. Xia and D. Naveh, “Protective molecular passivation of black phosphorous,” npj 2D Materials and Applications 1, 6 (2017). - (URL)
- B. Deng, Q. Guo, C. Li, H. Wang, X. Ling, D. B. Farmer, S.-J. Han, J. Kong, and F. Xia, “Coupling-Enhanced Broadband Mid-Infrared Light Absorption in Graphene Plasmonic Nanostructures,” ACS Nano 10, 11172–11178 (2016). - (URL)
- H. Tian, B. Deng, M. L. Chin, X. Yan, H. Jiang, S.-J. Han, V. Sun, Q. Xia, M. Dubey, F. Xia, and H. Wang, “A Dynamically Reconfigurable Ambipolar Black Phosphorus Memory Device,” ACS Nano 10, 11172-11178 (2016). - (URL)
- M. Mariano, O. Mashtalir, F. Q. Antonio, W.-H. Ryu, B. Deng, F. Xia, Y. Gogotsib and A. D. Taylor, “Solution-Processed Titanium Carbide MXene Films Examined as Highly Transparent Conductors,” Nanoscale 8, 16371–16378 (2016). - (URL)
- Q. Guo, A. Pospischil, M. Bhuiyan, H. Jiang, H. Tian, D. Farmer, B. Deng, C. Li, S.-J. Han, H. Wang, Q. Xia, T.-P. Ma, T. Mueller, and F. Xia, “Black Phosphorus Mid-Infrared Photodetectors with High Gain,” Nano Letters 16, 4648–4655 (2016). - (URL)
- F. Xia, “Flat Talk,” Nature Photonics 10, 205-206 (2016). (Interview) - (URL)
- H. Tian, Q. Guo, Y. Xie, H. Zhao, C. Li, J. J. Cha, F. Xia, and H. Wang, “Anisotropic Black Phosphorus Synaptic Device for Neuromorphic Applications,” Advanced Materials 28, 4991–4997 (2016). - (URL)
- H. Tian, M. L. Chin, S. Najmaei, Q. Guo, F. Xia, H. Wang, and M. Dubey, “Optoelectronic devices based on two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides,” Nano Research 9, 1543–1560 (2016). (Invited Review) - (URL)
- G. R. Bhimanapati, Z. Lin, V. Meunier, Y. Jung, J. Cha, S. Das, D. Xiao, Y. Son, M. S. Strano, V. R. Cooper, L. Liang, S. G. Louie, E. Ringe, W. Zhou, S. S. Kim, R. R. Naik, B. G. Sumpter, H. Terrones, F. Xia, Y. Wang, J. Zhu, D. Akinwande, N. Alem, J. A. Schuller, R. E. Schaak, M. Terrones, and J. A. Robinson, “Recent Advances in Two-Dimensional Materials beyond Graphene,” ACS Nano 9, 11509-11539 (2015). - (URL)
- B. Liu, M. Köpf, A. N. Abbas, X. Wang, Q. Guo, Y. Jia, F. Xia, R. Weihrich, F. Bachhuber, F. Pielnhofer, H. Wang, R. Dhall, S. B. Cronin, M. Ge, X. Fang, T. Nilges, and C. Zhou, “Black Arsenic-Phosphorus: Layered Anisotropic Infrared Semiconductors with Highly Tunable Compositions and Properties,” Advanced Materials 27, 4423-4429 (2015). - (URL)
- H. Zhao, J. Wu, H. Zhong, Q. Guo, X. Wang, F. Xia, L. Yang, P. Tan, and H. Wang, “Interlayer Interactions in Anisotropic Atomically-thin Rhenium Diselenide,” Nano Research 8, 3651-3661 (2015). - (URL)
- X. Li, B. Deng, X. Wang, S. Chen, M. Vaisman, S.-I. Karato, G. Pan, M. L. Lee, J. Cha, H. Wang, and F. Xia, “Synthesis of thin-film black phosphorus on a flexible substrate,” 2D Materials 2, 031002 (2015). - (URL)
- Y. Jia, H. Zhao, Q. Guo, X. Wang, H. Wang, and F. Xia, “Tunable Plasmon-Phonon Polaritons in Layered Graphene-hexagonal Boron Nitride Heterostructures,” ACS Photonics 2, 907-912 (2015). - (URL)
- X. Ling, H. Wang, S. Huang, F. Xia, and M. S. Dresselhaus, “The renaissance of black phosphorus,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 4523-4530 (2015). - (URL)
- X. Wang, A. M. Jones, K. L. Seyler, V. Tran, Y. Jia, H. Zhao, H. Wang, L. Yang, X. Xu, and F. Xia, “Highly Anisotropic and Robust Excitons in Monolayer Black Phosphorus,” Nature Nanotechnology 10, 517–521 (2015). - (URL)
- X. Wang, and F. Xia, “van der Waals heterostructures: Stacked 2D materials shed light,” Nature Materials 14, 264-265 (2015). (News & Views) - (URL)
- H. Zhao, Q. Guo, F. Xia, and H. Wang, “Two-dimensional materials for nanophotonics application,” Nanophotonics (2015). - (URL)
X. Liu, T. Galfsky, Z. Sun, F. Xia, E. Lin, Y.-H. Lee, S. Kéna-Cohen, and V. Menon, “Strong light–matter coupling in two-dimensional atomic crystals,” Nature Photonics 9, 30-34 (2015). - (URL)
- Y. Liu, A. Chadha, D. Zhao, J. R. Piper, Y. Jia, Y. Shuai, L. Menon, H. Yang, Z. Ma, S. Fan, F. Xia and W. Zhou, “Approaching total absorption at near infrared in a large area monolayer graphene by critical coupling,” Applied Physics Letters 105, 181105 (2014). - (URL)
- F. Xia, H. Wang, D. Xiao, M. Dubey, and A. Ramasubramaniam, “Two-dimensional material nanophotonics,” Nature Photonics8, 899-907 (2014). - (URL)
- H. Wang, X. Wang, F. Xia, L. Wang, H. Jiang, Q. Xia, M. L. Chin, M. Dubey, and S.-J. Han, “Black Phosphorus Radio-Frequency Transistors,” Nano Letters 14, 6424–6429 (2014). - (URL)
- T. Low, R. Roldan, H. Wang, F. Xia, P. Avouris, L. Moreno, and F. Guinea, “Plasmons and screening in monolayer and multilayer black phosphorus,” Physical Review Letters 113, 106802 (2014). - (URL)
- T. Low, A. S. Rodin, A. Carvalho, Y. Jiang, H. Wang, F. Xia, and A.H. Castro Neto, “Tunable optical properties of multilayer black phosphorus thin films,” Physical Review B 90, 075434 (2014). - (URL)
- F. Xia, “Electrons en masse,” Nature Nanotechnology 9, 575-576 (2014). (News & Views) - (URL)
- F. Xia, H. Wang, and Y. Jia, “Rediscovering black phosphorus as an anisotropic layered material for optoelectronics and electronics,” Nature Communications 5, 4458 (2014). - (URL)
- T. Low, F. Guinea, H. Yan, F. Xia, and P. Avouris, “Novel midinfrared plasmonic properties of bilayer graphene,” Physical Review Letters 112, 116801 (2014). - (URL)
- W. Zhu, T. Low, Y.-H. Lee, H. Wang, D. Farmer, J. Kong, F. Xia, and P. Avouris, “Electronic transport and device prospects of monolayer molybdenum disulphide grown by chemical vapor deposition,” Nature Communications 5, 3087 (2014). - (URL)
- F. Xia, H. Yan, and P. Avouris, “The interaction of light and graphene: basics, devices, and applications,” Proceedings of the IEEE 101, 1717-1731 (2013). - (URL)
- Y. Wu, D. Farmer, F. Xia, and P. Avouris, “Graphene electronics, materials, devices, and circuits,” Proceedings of the IEEE 101, 1620-1637 (2013). - (URL)
- M. Freitag, T. Low, W. Zhu, H. Yan, F. Xia, and P. Avouris, “Photocurrent in graphene harnessed by tunable intrinsic plasmons,” Nature Communications, 4 1951 (2013). - (URL)
- H. Yan, T. Low, W. Zhu, Y. Wu, M. Freitag, X. Li, F. Guinea, P. Avouris, and F. Xia, “Damping pathways of mid-infrared plasmons in graphene nanostructures,” Nature Photonics 7, 394-399 (2013). - (URL) Highlighted by interview with F. Xia, “Graphene versus metal plasmons,” Nature Photonics 7, 420 (2013). - (URL)
- M. Freitag, T. Low, F. Xia, and P. Avouris, “Photoconductivity of biased graphene,” Nature Photonics 7, 53-59 (2013). - (URL)
- P. Avouris and F. Xia, “Graphene applications in electronics and photonics,” MRS Bulletin 37, 1225-1234 (2012). - (URL)
- H. Yan, F. Xia, Z. Li, and P. Avouris, “Plasmonics of coupled graphene micro-structures,” New Journal of Physics 14, 125001 (2012). - (URL)
- M. Davanco, J. Ong, A. Shehata, A. Tosi, I. Agha, S. Assefa, F. Xia, W. Green, S. Mookherjea, and K. Srinivasan, “Telecommunications-band heralded single photons from a silicon nanophotonic chip,” Applied Physics Letters 100, 261104 (2012). - (URL)
- H. Yan, Z. Li, X. Li, W. Zhu, P. Avouris, and F. Xia, “Infrared spectroscopy of tunable Dirac terahertz magneto-plasmons in graphene,” Nano Letters 12, 3766-3771 (2012). - (URL)
- Y. Wu, K. Jenkins, A. Valdes-Garcia, D. Farmer, Y. Zhu, A. Bol, C. Dimitrakopoulos, W. Zhu, F. Xia, P. Avouris, and Y. Lin, “State-of-the-art graphene high frequency electronics,” Nano Letters 12, 3062-3067 (2012). - (URL)
- H. Yan, X. Li, B. Chandra, G. Tulevski, Y. Wu, M. Freitag, W. Zhu, P. Avouris, and F. Xia, “Tunable infrared plasmonic devices using graphene/insulator stacks,” Nature Nanotechnology 7, 330-334 (2012). - (URL)
- Y. Wu, V. Perebeinos, Y. Lin, T. Low, F. Xia, and P. Avouris, “Quantum behavior of graphene transistors near the scaling limit,” Nano Letters 12, 1417-1423 (2012). - (URL)
- H. Yan, F. Xia, W. Zhu, M. Freitag, C. Dimitrakopoulos, A. Bol, G. Tulevski, and P. Avouris, “Infrared spectroscopy of wafer-scale graphene,” ACS Nano 5, 9854-9860 (2011). - (URL)
- J. Ong, M. Cooper, G. Gupta, W. Green, S. Assefa, F. Xia, and S. Mookherjea, “Low-power continuous-wave four-wave mixing in silicon coupled-resonator optical waveguides,” Optics Letters 36, 2964-2966 (2011). - (URL)
- F. Xia and P. Avouris, “Graphene Nanophotonics,” IEEE Photonics Journal 3, 293-295 (2011). - (URL)
- Y. Wu, Y. Lin, A. Bol, K. Jenkins, F. Xia, D. Farmer, Y. Zhu, and P. Avouris, “High-frequency, scaled graphene transistors on diamond-like carbon,” Nature 472, 74-78 (2011). - (URL)
- F. Xia, V. Perebeinos, Y. Lin, Y. Wu, and P. Avouris, “The origins and limits of metal-graphene junction resistance,” Nature Nanotechnology 6, 179-184 (2011). - (URL)
- M. Cooper, G. Gupta, M. Schneider, W. Green, A. Assefa, F. Xia, Y. Vlasov, and S. Mookherjea, “Statistics of light transport in 235-ring silicon coupled-resonator optical waveguides,” Optics Express 18, 26505-26516 (2010). - (URL)
- M. Cooper, G. Gupta, M. Schneider, W. Green, A. Assefa, F. Xia, D. Gifford, and S. Mookherjea, “Waveguide dispersion effects in silicon-on-insulator coupled-resonator optical waveguides,” Optics Letters 35, 3030-3032 (2010). - (URL)
- S. Assefa, F. Xia, W. Green, C. Schow, A. Rylyakov, and Y. Vlasov, “CMOS-Integrated Optical Receivers for On-Chip Interconnects,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16, 1376-1385 (2010). - (URL)
- T. Mueller, F. Xia, and P. Avouris, “Graphene photodetectors for high-speed optical communications,” Nature Photonics 4, 297-301 (2010). - (URL)
- S. Assefa, F. Xia, and Yu. Vlasov, “Reinventing germanium avalanche photodetector for on-chip optical interconnects,” Nature 464, 80-84 (2010). - (URL)
- S. Assefa, F. Xia, S. Bedell, Y. Zhang, T. Topuria, P. Rice, and Yu. Vlasov, “CMOS-integrated high-speed MSM germanium waveguide photodetector,” Optics Express 18, 4986-4999 (2010). - (URL)
- F. Xia, D. Farmer, Y. Lin, and P. Avouris, “Graphene field-effect-transistors with high on/off current ratio and large transport bandgap at room temperature,” Nano Letters 10, 715-718 (2010). - (URL)
- D. Farmer, H. Chiu, Y. Lin, K. Jerkins, F. Xia, and P. Avouris, “Utilization of a buffered dielectric to achieve high field-effect carrier mobility in graphene transistors,” Nano Letters 9, 4474-4478 (2009). - (URL)
- F. Xia, T. Muller, Y. Lin, A. Valdes-Garcia, and P. Avouris, “Ultrafast graphene photodetector,” Nature Nanotechnology 4, 839-843 (2009). - (URL)
- T. Mueller, F. Xia, M. Freitag, J. Tsang, and P. Avouris, “Role of contacts in graphene transistors: A scanning photocurrent study,” Physical Review B 79, 245430 (2009). - (URL)
- F. Xia, T. Mueller, R. Golizadeh-Mojarad, M. Freitag, Y. Lin, J. Tsang, V. Perebeinos, and P. Avouris, “Photocurrent imaging and efficient photon detection in a graphene transistor,” Nano Letters 9, 1039-1044 (2009). - (URL)
- F. Xia, M. Steiner, Y. Lin, and P. Avouris, “A microcavity-controlled, current-driven nanotube emitter at infrared wavelengths,” Nature Nanotechnology 3, 609-613 (2008). - (URL)
- Y. Vlasov, W. M. Green, and F. Xia, “High-throughput silicon nanophotonic wavelength-insensitive switch for on-chip optical networks,” Nature Photonics 2, 242-246 (2008). - (URL)
- B. Lee, X. Chen, A. Biberman, X. Liu, I-W. Hsieh, C. Chou, J. I. Dadap, F. Xia, W. M. Green, L. Sekaric, Y. Vlasov, R. Osgood, Jr., and K. Bergman, “Ultrahigh-bandwidth silicon photonic nanowire waveguides for on-chip networks,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 20, 398-400 (2008). - (URL)
- J. I. Dadap, N. C. Panoiu, X. Chen, I-W. Hsieh, X. Liu, C. Chou, E. Dulkeith, S. J. McNab, F. Xia, W. M. Green, L. Sekaric, Y. Vlasov, and R. Osgood, Jr., “Nonlinear-optical phase modification in dispersion-engineered Si photonic wires,” Optics Express16, 1280-1299 (2008). - (URL)
- I-W. Hsieh, X. Chen, X. Liu, J. I. Dadap, N. C. Panoiu, C. Chou, F. Xia, W. M. Green, Y. Vlasov, and R. Osgood, Jr., “Supercontinuum generation in silicon photonic wires,” Optics Express 15, 15242-15249 (2007). - (URL)
- F. Xia, M. Rooks, L. Sekaric, and Y. Vlasov, “Ultra-compact high order ring resonator filters using submicron silicon photonic wires for on-chip optical interconnects,” Optics Express 15, 11934-11941 (2007). - (URL)
- F. Xia, L. Sekaric, and Y. Vlasov, “Ultra-compact optical buffers on a silicon chip,” Nature Photonics 1, 65-71 (2007). - (URL) Highlighted by the journal cover and interview with F. Xia and Y. Vlasov, “Slower light, faster computer,” Nature Photonics 1, 72 (2007). - (URL)
- F. Xia, L. Sekaric, M. O’Boyle and Y. Vlasov, “Coupled resonator optical waveguides based on silicon-on-insulator photonic wires,” Applied Physics Letters 89, 041122 (2006). - (URL)
- E. Dulkeith, F. Xia, L. Schares, W. M. Green, and Y. Vlasov, “Group index and group velocity dispersion in silicon-on-insulator photonic wires,” Optics Express 14, 3853-3863 (2006). - (URL)
- F. Xia, L. Sekaric, and Y. Vlasov, “Mode conversion losses in silicon-on-insulator photonic wire based racetrack resonators,” Optics Express 14, 3872-3886 (2006). - (URL)
In Princeton
- F. Xia, S. Datta, and S. Forrest, “A monolithically integrated optical heterodyne receiver,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters17, 1716-1718 (2005). - (URL)
- F. Xia, V. Menon, and S. Forrest, “Photonic integration using asymmetric twin-waveguide (ATG) technology (I): concepts and theory,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 11, 17-29 (2005). - (URL)
- V. Menon, F. Xia, and S. Forrest, “Photonic integration using asymmetric twin-waveguide (ATG) technology (II): devices,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 11, 30-42 (2005). - (URL)
- Y. Huang, F. Xia, V. Menon, M. Gokhale, and S. Forrest, “Reduction of the taper loss in asymmetric twin-waveguide using quantum well intermixing,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 16, 2221-2223 (2004). - (URL)
- W. Tong, V. Menon, F. Xia, and S. Forrest, “An asymmetric twin waveguide eight-channel polarization-independent arrayed waveguide grating with an Integrated Photodiode Array,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 16, 1170-1172 (2004). - (URL)
- V. Menon, W. Tong, F. Xia, C. Li, and S. Forrest, “Nonreciprocity of counterpropagating signals in a monolithically integrated Sagnac interferometer,” Optics Letters 29, 513-515 (2004). - (URL)
- S. Agashe, S. Datta, F. Xia and S. Forrest, “A monolithically integrated long-wavelength balanced photodiode using asymmetric twin-waveguide technology,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 16, 236-238 (2004). - (URL)
- F. Xia, J. Wei, V. Menon, and S. Forrest, “Monolithic integration of a semiconductor optical amplifier and a high bandwidth p-i-n photodiode using asymmetric twin-waveguide technology,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 15, 452-454 (2003). - (URL)
- V. Menon, W. Tong, C. Li, F. Xia, I. Glesk, P. R. Prucnal, and S. Forrest, “All-optical wavelength conversion using a regrowth-free monolithically integrated Sagnac interferometer,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 15, 254-256 (2003). - (URL)
- J. Wei, F. Xia, and S. Forrest, “A high-responsivity high-bandwidth asymmetric twin-waveguide coupled InGaAs-InP-InAlAs avalanche photodiode,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 14, 1590-1592 (2002). - (URL)
- J. Wei, F. Xia, and S. Forrest, “High T0 long-wavelength InGaAsN quantum well lasers grown by GSMBE using a solid arsenic source,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 14, 597-599 (2002). - (URL)
- F. Xia, J. K. Thomson, M. R. Gokhale, P. V. Studenkov, J. Wei, W. Lin, and S. Forrest, “An asymmetric twin-waveguide high-bandwidth photodiode using a lateral taper coupler,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 13, 845-847 (2001). - (URL)
- P. V. Studenkov, F. Xia, M. R. Gokhale, and S. Forrest, “Asymmetric twin-waveguide 1.55 mm wavelength laser with a distributed Bragg reflector,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 12, 468-470 (2000). - (URL)